DBuzz & Hive Joins YGG Games Summit 2023 & Visits Local Crypto Exchanges
Hive Philippines | 9th Official Meetup in Davao City

Yesterday the #HivePhilippines group had it's 9th official meetup w/a total of 9 attendees.
The meetup started with Gerhard @usveteran and @viverlie arriving at the mall first and actually quite early at that. The two of them contacted @chrisrice around 2:00 PM through Facebook while Chris was still sleeping.
Upon waking and seeing Gerhard's @usveteran message, Chris got ready for the day, drank a Herbalife shake and then headed to the mall with @emafe, his son and their household. He arrived at the mall around 5:30 PM and found Gerhard @usveteran sitting with @nathansenn at Bo's Coffee.
The group gathered around each other, @emafe met with @viverlie and @chrisrice greeted Gerhard and Nathan - @usveteran took a smoke break and @nathansenn + Chris decided to discuss what it's like to be in a serious relationship (with their spouses). Before long, the group was upstairs at Zark's Burger discussing Coins.ph and the ability to pay electric bills, water bills and load cell phones with it among other things.
The guys started discussing religion and proceeded to talk about Government's eagerness to seize power over the people when Vyankka @hiddenblade dropped in as a first time attendee.
@chrisrice was glad to see her since she is one of the curators of the group and is good at giving feedback about improving one's content on Hive. The conversation then shifted to health, gaining weight for people who are underweight and losing weight for people who are overweight - make sure to blog the progress on #Hive w/ before and after pics, chimed @chrisrice.
After a bit of discussing health, weight gain and @usveteran's W-H-E-Y recommendation, Christine dropped in and took a photo with @hiddenblade as shown above.
A little bit after Christine's entrance, she and @nathansenn had to head out for a flight to Manila. Before leaving though they took a group picture together for memories on the blockchain and in order to post to the group chat.
As previously posted, @nathansenn and Christine are importing goods from China in order to sell to local merchants. If you are interested in buying products from China or having them sourced, feel free to contact them.
While chatting with @hiddenblade and @usveteran, Chris received a surprise message from @jancharlest who said he was also coming. @jancharlest had just attended a blockchain / crypto event in the city and indicated he was on the way to join the group.
Another suprise moment turned out to be when @jancharlest arrived but also arrived with another Hivian named Nicole @yanne. Nicole @yanne is an IT graduate and appeared to have software development experience, even experience related to blockchains and possibly cryptocurrencies.
@chrisrice wasn't able to gouge her entire background or prior experiences with cryptocurrencies but her Hive account does show her working away with fellow IT trainees and she mentions a Hackathon in Davao City that happened in May of this year.
The meetup was cut short when @emafe met back with the group and asked @chrisrice to leave early. The group normally stays until 9:00 PM or even later but this time, the group was cut early with @nathansenn leaving first followed by the rest of the group leaving about an hour later.
Thanks everyone: @nathansenn, Christine, @emafe, @usveteran, @viverlie, @jancharlest, @hiddenblade and @yanne for coming. Communities and SMT's are upon us and soon it will be time to start developing even more as new IT graduates like @jancharlest, @yanne and @jemmanuel test their skillset and consider starting projects on the Hive blockchain!