DBuzz & Hive Joins YGG Games Summit 2023 & Visits Local Crypto Exchanges
Hive Philippines | 3rd Official Meetup in Davao City
Yesterday on September 4th, 2009 (Wednesday) the #HivePhilippines group had it's 3rd official meetup.
The plan was for it to start at Bo's Coffee in SM Ecoland of Davao City but @nathansenn was running late. @chrisrice was running a little late too since @emafe wanted to eat hot cakes (pancakes) on the side of SM where they sell street food, Chris also went to 7-11 first to buy a little more HIVE (formerally called STEEM).
So Gerhard @usveteran changed the meetup to S&R since he got there first. Chris met him there with his family and @viverlie was there too.
This meetup was more light-hearted than the previous ones. Gerhard joked a lot, he talked about his faith in the Trump adminstration and Chris talked about Hive-Engine and making communities at the current price of BEE tokens.
The way it works is that anyone with an interest in creating an online community can essentially pay 3,200 HIVE ($544 USD) to launch their own version of Hive.Blog with their own unique token displayed & used on the website instead of HIVE. And then if they advance another 1 HIVE for every "active" user they plan on having in the future, they can then run their Hive-Engine based DApp without having to pay any hosting fees - as long as Hive-Engine is in business and the community owner keeps enough of the BEEs they bought staked to their project (1 BEE per active user / $0.17 USD per active user), they won't have to pay anything each year except for maybe their domain name renewal.
@chrisrice proceeded to ask @nathansenn when he got there if this was a good deal and Nathan said it sounded decent. For Nathan though, it would probably make more sense for him to just start his own DApp without Steem-Engine, but Chris emphasized how DApps launched on Hive-Engine are more or less turnkey, and wouldn't require much maintanance since the maintanance and even most of the upgrades would be handled by Hive-Engine and the @aggroed team.
This led to some interesting discussions and the group ate Pizza at S&R, talked about buying more HIVE and possibly BEE (formerly ENG tokens) if prices went lower, and after that, the group called it a night.
If you want to see some clips of the 1st #SteemPhilippines meetup, it is included towards the end of this video.